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Why use assistive technology? 
The use of technology can provide access for all learners.  Through the use of a variety of assistive technologies (AT), students with disabilities have the ability to access their curriculum, either in regular or resource classrooms.  When assistive technology is integrated into the classroom, all students are provided with multiple means to participate in the classroom community and to complete their work.
AT helps eliminate barriers students may face that prevent them from participating at the same level as their classmates.  It is important for the entire teaching staff to be knowledgeable about assistive technology. 

How can I help my student reach his or her potential? How can I help this student succeed in school?

First isolate the major learning disability. It may be the student needs more time to complete the assignments. It may be that the student needs the proper tools. Look for the problem and look at what is needed to help the students.

Take advantage of the expertise and experience of the teachers and staff in your school who work with the student.  Two heads are better than one. Today educators have a number of support resources available through their schools.

Always check the student's IEP. It often includes strategies to help the child succeed. Possible modifications are listed as well. 

If students are having difficulty using the standard textbooks and or worksheets think about ways to make adaptations. By modifying activities and assignments you are giving your students a chance to be successful. 

Remember to focus on keeping students engaged. Consider integrating topics that interest and motivate them. 

Remember your student isn’t learning if they’re sitting at an empty desk while the other students all have desk work. Modify their work. Assistive technology can be utilized to help with this. A coloring page isn't the answer. 

Most of all have high expectiations!

All special-needs students are capable of success. Each will succeed according to his or her individual ability -- but all can succeed.

What type of technology is available for my students?


All students can be successful, some just need assistance and supports. Students have different learning styles, so let's look at the different items that can be used to help students.
The assistive technology department has many items for loan that will make learning more accessible. Switches, switch operated devices, communication devices, positioning arms, velcro stands, notebooks, folder activities, e-books, computer software for reading and writing, and picture symbol software are a few of items for loan.
The district now has available Read and Write for Google.
This great tool is there for all students. Give it a try.
Who will benefit from the use of AT? 
To help better understand the needs of non-verbal students these webinars, videos and other material are very informative.
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