851 Wilmore Road Nicholasville, Ky
859 887- 5358 ext. 4142
Jessamine County
Assistive Technology
Jessamine County Assistive Technology Staff
Sarah Whitfield
Jessamine County Low Incidence Consultant and AT Specialist
Phone 859- 887-5358 ext 4142
Patricia Cocklin
Jessamine County AT and VI Specialist
Phone 859 887-5358 ext. 4142
As a team we can help you to determine a student's needs and work with you
to put assistive technology in place. Our goal is to make each and every
child successful. We will work with your students in any setting that they are
finding difficult. For a consult please click on Evaluation Request. Complete
the form and return as attachment to becky.bailey@jessamine.kyschools.us
(To complete the evaluation form you may need to choose enable editing, just below tool bar.)
Click the buttons below for the evaluation request forms
Becky Bailey
Jessamine County AT and VI Assistant
Phone 859 887-5358 ext. 4144