851 Wilmore Road Nicholasville, Ky
859 887- 5358 ext. 4142
Jessamine County
Assistive Technology
Assistive Technology for Reading and Writing
The iPad can be loaded with the iBooks app, or with unlimited book and story apps for young readers. Books are now available from Bookshare ( if student qualifies) and the public library. Check out the link. one of many great uses for the iPad.
Any text can be writing using pictures.
Make stories, sentence or even math problems with picture symbols text.
Click Link for available titles and description
A weekly newspaper geared toward non print readers. The newspaper chooses current events and puts the information into symbolate form. SP-ED teachers have a subscription to the paper.
Either a handheld or screen magnifier may be necessary for a visually impaired student.
Neo Portable word processor
Talking portable word processor.